Give More: Semon Talkback

Mark 22
"What is the greatest commandment?" asked the trickster.
"You know the answer," said Jesus.  "Look it up:  'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.'"
"Oh," said the trickster.  "I can't argue with that."
"Wait," said Jesus.  "The second commandment is very like the first:  'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"
"Oh," said the trickster.  "Then I'll pose you another question.  Who is my neighbor?"

Jesus had a variety of answers:  The Good Samaritan, sheep and goats on Judgment Day, a little child who needs a cup of clean water.  Bottom line:  Help those who need help.  They are your neighbors, where ever they live.  They aren't hard to find.  People in Colorado need housing, food and clothing, even here in Longmont.  People need jobs and are afraid and discouraged. There are people in Central America, Asia and Africa who need clean water, food and medicine, not to mention the 50-100 million women who are missing who need an advocate. 

It's not even hard to find ways to confront these insurmountable problems:  someone is already working to make a difference--and could use a hand.  Churches, non-profits, projects, governments, missions.

The week Pastor Steve talked about all of his sweaters, he said,"Don't give me any sweaters for Christmas.   Don't give me any Christmas presents--Christmas isn't about me.  Frankly, I don't need birthday presents, and my birthday IS about me.  Christmas is about Jesus."

What if no one had cause to say, "I've heard about this Jesus of yours, but what good is He?" 

What if Jesus says, "Michele, this Christmas you are responsible for feeding the hungry, visiting the sick and those in prison, providing clothing for the needy, cheering up the depressed? And I'm choosing you to speak the words of freedom and justice to the oppressed and release to the captives.  Feel free to drop my name.  As you do for the least of these, you are doing it for Me."

What if Jesus says, "This Christmas I choose you.  Yes, take it personally."

Jesus was a gift to the world.  Maybe we are too.

Make Me a Blessing
Out in the highways and byways of life, many are weary and sad. 
Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife, making the sorrowing glad.
Tell the sweet story of Christ and his love, tell of his power to forgive. 
Others will trust Him if only you prove true, every moment you live.
Give as 'twas given to you in your need.  Love as the Master loved you. 
Be to the helpless a helper indeed.  Unto your mission be true.

Best part, the chorus:
Make me a blessing, Make me a blessing--
Out of my life may Jesus shine;
Make me a blessing, O Savior, I pray,
Make me a blessing to someone today.