Spend Less--Sermon Talkback

Today's sermon:  Spend less.  Give more from the heart.  What you give carries a message.  Spending less money while giving more of yourself generally involves giving more of your time. 

One model of giving pointed out by Jesus was the widow who contributed two pennies to the church fund, all she had.  Jesus, being acutely gifted in recognizing the "teachable moment," Pastor Steve said, emphasized to his disciples God's way of giving.

Pastor Steve related the widow's gift to God's gift to us of God's very Self, as stated so clearly in John 3:16, "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son . . . not to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."  The pastor challenged us to give of our selves, abundantly, sacrificially, thoughtfully, and especially relationally.

He said we might find his next point uncomfortable. To the amusement of the congregation Pastor Steve showed us slides of his sweater collection, including one with a very nice pattern he knitted himself (mostly).  And then his hoodies. His point was, how much is enough? When do we have enough?  How many sweaters is enough, when you can only wear one at a time?  When is it too much? 

When does meeting our needs turn into greed?