A Deluxe Little Free Library Spotted

6th Avenue Plaza
This Little Free Library at 6th and Main in Longmont is THE deluxe edition as Little Free Libraries go. It is located in a shady micro area called Sixth Avenue Plaza, next to the Village Place Senior Apartments, in the same block as the Longmont Theatre. It's the only Little Free Library I've seen so far made of stainless steel and topped with a sculpture and engraving.

Turns out this library is one of a set of three commissioned by the Longmont Downtown Development Association's Creative District. Each was funded and built by a local company.

The sculpture on top  features wooden ABC blocks tumbling out of a water faucet, a nod to their work on finishes for water faucets. Underneath is an open book with words from Walt Disney, "There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island."

This attractive downtown art was designed, built and donated by Vapor Technologies about a year ago, according to VT Marketing Director Skip Lawson. Not coincidentally, the construction highlights the technology of lifetime finishes in which Vapor Technologies specializes.

"We really just made it from 'spent materials,' our odds and ends, you could say," Lawson told me. "It's so great to hear that folks are still enjoying it. We had a wonderful time making it. Unless someone runs into it with a car it should be there for a good long time."

Sixth Avenue Plaza
Vapor Technologies, which I thought might be a pot shop, is a division of Masco based in Michigan.The local division, Vapor Technologies,  has existed in the Boulder-Niwot area for 25 years. Their mission: PVD and DLC coating system that makes products better with abrasion resistant durable, decorative surface finishes adding cost effective value. 

Greg Volan, a Vapor Tech engineer did the design and employee Shane Dowdy did the fabrication.

Sixth Avenue Plaza
Volan's wife Wendy did the initial stocking with books. In the past year, situated with senior housing next door and downtown heavy foot traffic. this Little Free Library has been self-sustaining with the "Take a book, leave a book" philosophy.

Inside I found popular adult novels, no children's books. I added the first three books in a wizard series by Terry Goodkind, just to shake it up a little.

Local artists Paula and Richard Fagre came up with the concept for the three-installation project under the aegis of the Longmont Creative District.

I'll write about the other two boxes when I find them.