Once Again, Thanksgiving: Access to Joy

Once more the US Government encourages us to count our blessings. 

Thanksgiving is  a great federal holiday, with a spiritual vibe but no real Establishment of Religion conflicts. Who can argue with gratitude, religious or atheist?

This fall I reviewed a pain class offered by Kaiser for members with chronic pain. Writing a gratitude journal was heavily promoted. According to their studies daily gratitude is not required:  15 minutes three times a week produces therapeutic results in rehabilitating the brain.  Seemingly, gratitude can light up the area of the brain that allows the experience of joy. Chronic pain shuts down the ability to experience joy.

So, gratitude as an access to joy. 

I love singing anthems of thanksgiving and praise, and this is the time when the choir excels. So much glorious praise music. I'll miss singing the Sunday before Thanksgiving this year, as Jesse and I are going to be in the Landmark Advanced Course, creating the next 25 years, as a possibility. But we will be in church on Thanksgiving morning.

So, I am anticipating the joy of Thanksgiving next week: Rehearsing with the choir, creating a new future, and preparing for turkey and pies with family. In fact I think I'll sit down at least three times this week and immerse myself in contemplating my blessings.