Boomer Travel in the Time of COVID

Boomer vacations used to involve a backpack, a guitar and a boyfriend hitchhiking across the US (for me) or Europe and youth hostels (my friends.) Actually, I only ever hitched cross country once, when I was in college, with said backpack, guitar and boyfriend. 

Fast forward to early retirement:  I drove cross country in a new camper with a new husband Jesse and my black lab, Sadie. We took one trip to Santa Fe, another through Iowa, Illinois, and Pennsylvania, stopping to see family and friends on our way to a two-week intensive stop in Washington, D.C. then home through the South. We also took my first cross-country train. Happy years. And then COVID.

2019, 2020, 2021. It seems like the pandemic had its deadly way with us for decades. During 2021 while we were still in lockdown. my beautiful Sadie died, and then my sweet husband Jesse died in his sleep. Basically, they both died of old age, which still happens, even in a time of pandemic.

Many of us Boomers did get COVID. Millions died of it. The generation ahead of us, the so-called Greatest Generation was especially hard hit. Many nursing homes and retirement villages were scourged. Once vaccines became available and we were no longer sentenced to six months of coma and ventilator if we ventured out, we were all wanting to get out and go, go, GO!

This past June, 2022, after such goings out and about, I got COVID, but having had a vaccine and boosters, I only suffered two days of misery and a month of recovery. This put a damper on my enthusiasm to go out and mingle, which led to a return to Zooming: Zoom Church, Zoom seminars, Zoom tea parties. And then bit by bit out and about, choir practice and grocery shopping, masked and then unmasked.

And now I am in Panama walking on the beach and going to receptions, dinner and dancing. And coursework and meetings and excursions. It’s a miracle. I'm here at Playa Bonita Westin with a few hundred friends, friends in three dimensions, up close and personal, not just on a monitor or Facebook. Actual solid, multi-sensory, in the flesh. Exuberantly hugging old friends, and enthusiastically shaking hands with new friends. In a word, Joy.

Besides joy, I recommend a vacation for the sheer relief of different wallpaper than you have been staring at since 2019. Besides new faces, different things to think bout. How does the Panama Canal work, anyway? Why is this pineapple so delicious? And will my university Spanish get me a meal and souvenirs?

I find myself humming this week. It’s been a while. 


Update:  A number of our group came down with COVID-19 and were quarantined in their hotel rooms. My roommate and I were fine and returned safely to Denver. This afternoon Lisa texted me that she tested positive for COVID, and minutes later the Department of Health of Panama notified me I had been exposed and should quarantine for 3-5 days. So, there is that.